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May 01  The first arrest will wake up the world. Will it be Trump or Netanyahu?

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May 01  Insider Info! 900 Bankers Dragged from Secret Meeting to GITMO – Surveillance and Swift Arrests Unleash Justice!

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April 29
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October 29, 2022
• Edited (Oct 29, 2022)

They’ll be out very soon, but keep in mind that they run on frequencies. If you know the frequency of a germ, for example, you can kill it by playing that frequency. Med Beds use light frequencies, but there are many sound frequencies that do the same thing, a little slower but are very powerful and you can use them for free anytime. For example, here’s the Rife Frequency List. You can search for other healing frequencies online.

Med Bed Roll-Out (

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April 30
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Mike Penny

5m  ·

Shared with Public

POTUS isolates both these drops

One Easter Drop and one Good Friday Day.

Orthodox Good Friday is this Friday, MAY 3rd

Orthodox Easter is this Sunday May 5th

Is Easter the Timeline? 5:5

How was your Easter Q?

6/14 Trump’s Birthday


Just like Jesus

As the Deep State continues to go down in flames.

They stay the path hauling Trump into every circus court they have left standing.

(Movie) Trump most recently busted for breaking an gag order, may land him in jail.

Yes, physically locked up in a jail cell. Hang in there, I think we may be in for a wilder ride than that.

Hear me out.

It wasn't that long ago we were being warned about assassination on Trump's life.

It was stated for us to NOT FRETT white hats are in control, right? So, what if this jail process turns into an assassination and it looks like all hope is lost only to see Trump rise again on Sunday.

This is not fear porn. We really must be open minded and ready for the most unexpected to happen.

Reply with your thoughts!!!

Source for Decode The Real Kim Shady...

April 28

This is why we are always advocating to be conservative on your judgements about people.  Remember we are in a full on Military Operation to the likes that no one has ever witnessed before in history.
Those you think are bad may just surprise you and those you think are good may do the same.  This is why I personally reserve my judgement until the chips fall and all the smoke and mirrors have dissipated.  It behooves you to try to do the same instead of causing unnecessary stress, division and time wasted trying to figure things like this out.
Remember if we knew certain things, then so would the DS.  We have to be comfortable in knowing that some things, there will be a time and place for those truths to be revealed.  It's just not going to happen while we are at war, finishing the eradication of every last one of the pathetic losers that tried to steal our freedom, harm our children and mask the power we held within us by making us their slaves.
That time is coming my friends.  So hold that line and find contentment in what we do know to be true in our hearts.  Remember, you are an integral part of a time in history that will forever be remembered; because you had the courage to stand up and fight back!🙌
In the meantime Faith over Fear Always,

April 28

PEDOPHILIA Is a Moral Sickness of the mind and is of Satan's Depravity!! Imprisonment is Necessary for All Degenerates who participate in sex upon Minors, Adultescents, and Infants!!
From Qrash the matrix via
Bearded_PatriotUSA on TELEG.

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April 29  How The Hundredth Monkey Effect Really Works

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April 29  Message to the Matriarch-Empress Rare Bird

April 26

How is it even possible to have lived through the most blatant, in your face psyop in history, and still be plodding through life with zero suspicion about what happened?
Are people wilfully ignorant, perhaps due to shame about how they behaved (even if it's subconscious), or are they legitimately that brainwashed?
Join @QJulianAssange