October 19, 2022

Hello Patriots,

Thank you to The Truth Seekers 88 team for all of your hard work and commitment to helping us on this reawakening journey!

In my research, I found documentaries by Janine Linehan that correlate with Mike and Team's work.

1) Birth Certificates: scam which correlates with Jay-Russell Gould’s work.   Conspiracies No Longer Theories By Janine Linehan Part 9.2 Where are our Original Birth Certs? (bitchute.com)

2) The DUMBS: Conspiracies No Longer Theories By Janine Linehan (bitchute.com) The first part is about the satanic Astroworld concert last November. The second part is a detailed discussion on all the DUMBS the white hats have been targeting.

Watching this will humble you whenever you feel frustrated by how long this process is taking.

Look forward to great discussions!