You Became the Fictitious Entity

You were born a free boy or girl. Then you unknowingly "signed" (only fictitious entities have signatures, living wo/men have autographs) under penalty of perjury that you are a U.S. citizen (you weren't, you were an American national, I.e.: a Massachusettsian).

You signed that you are a "resident" living "in" the fictitious U.S. corporation because you used a zip code and state abbreviation. You signed that you are the registered, fictitious entity created by the Certificate of Live Birth filing that was claimed by the state, then paid to the U.S. government corporation for its bankruptcy debt to the Federal Reserve System/IMF. 

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Discover how to enjoy the true essence of the divine salvation while claiming your birth right to your divine inheritance without painful worry and lack of knowledge that makes your head spin!

How We Free You From Debt

Do you know someone who requires help with restoring their freedom, discharging their IRS, unsecured, student loans or mortgage debt?

Ignorance of the law is no excuse is the plausible deniability excuse used by the U.S. Government corporation and its owners (The Crown & Vatican).

For more than 90 years, they've purposely had curriculums remove all of the pertinent grammar details, as well as their fraudulent Banking History.

This has made it easy to deceive the masses into ignorantly and voluntarily becoming their chattel slaves via "signing" their many documents.

I.e.: The Driver License Application, Passport Application, Voter Registration, Social Security Application, Form 1040, Traffic Tickets, Permits, Etc.

However, there is always a remedy in law, which they also carefully hid from you. TTS88 has uncovered, and thoroughly brings you that remedy.

New TTS88 Complete Freedom Courses

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